Looking back on 2015

Looking back on 2015

2015 brought so many great things to us. We met so many wonderful people, traveled to great places – local and abroad – and were lucky enough to pursue our dreams while doing it. As I was looking back on this glorious year I decided to compile some images to reflect our experiences, and since it’s new years eve, there’s no better time to share them with everyone!

Christmas time is actually the best.

Christmas time is actually the best.

I used to be a total grinch – seriously. In the past, I have been guilty of not doing ANYTHING Christmas-y until December 1st. I was that person who would snarl at Christmas carols on the radio, roll my eyes at Christmas lights, and refuse to do any shopping. Yeah, I told you, a TOTAL grinch. Until I started having Christmases with my in laws. Brandon and his family would bake the most delicious cookies, and pretty much go all out for the holidays. And this year it happened – my tree was up and completely decorated in the middle of November. My heart has officially grown three sizes people. I’m sooo excited for the holiday season this year. And I have the people below to thank for my high spirits this season.